Welcome to the District 36-R Website! Content is added and updated frequently to all pages.


Do you need help learning how to use the new Lion Portal? Click the image below to go to the Lion Portal Training Videos YouTube channel. There you can find helpful videos that you can watch that explain how to do most anything!




Is your club looking to hold a Bingo night, or even set up for ongoing Bingo, but don't want to invest in the traditional expensive Bingo hall equipment? Check out this cool free website based Bingo setup! A laptop connected to a big flat screen monitor or projector system looks like all you need. You can use your own slider cards if you have them, generate cards to print, OR your players can even create and use cards on their phones!
The system options allow it to be set to use as a full random number selector and display, or you can look in the tools section and switch it to "manual mode" to use in display mode only to display and track numbers when using a simple onsite ball roller to pick numbers. Check it out here>> Have questions? Contact District36Rit@gmail.com


Eugene Downtown Lions Club on the news!


2023-2024 Peace Poster Contest Slideshow


NOW is the time for your club to be planning the sponsorship of your 2024-2025 local contest. Find all the information on the Projects Page of this website.

July/August Oregon
Lions Magazine





Lions Clubs of District 36-R are shown in green on the map below. District 36-R is part of Multiple District 36, covering Oregon and Northern California. Click the arrow on the upper left for the menu to see the districts by list or to toggle each district on or off.  *All clubs, please click on your marker and check for your meeting location accuracy and send any corrections, along with your website links, to dnielson@wvi.com 

>>District 36-R Club Meeting Index<<



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