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2023-2024 District 36R Projects Information
Peace Poster Contest LCIF Fundraising Goal Hunger Grant
2024-2025 Lions International Peace Poster Contest
"Peace Without Limits"
All clubs are encouraged to be part of the Lions International Peace Poster Contest by sponsoring their local club contest. There are Fall deadlines, and each sponsoring club will need to order a Peace Poster Contest Kit from the International, so your planning should begin early in order to be ready by the beginning of the school year. Contest participants must be ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15th to be eligible.
Each club sponsoring a contest will select their contest club level winner which they will submit to the District Governor. The District will then select a district level winner and send it to the MD Council Chair. The MD will select the multiple district level winner which is sent to the International Headquarters.
* Number of kits - A club only needs one kit to sponsor a typical club level contest open to all eligible 11, 12, and 13 years olds in their area. The contest can be promoted community wide including to all schools, PTA's, home schoolers, youth groups, library programs, art camps and general public advertising. One official winner is selected from all entries received for a sponsored contest and sent up to the District level.
A club can also choose to sponsor multiple contests (i.e. separate contests for each school) and would need additional kits for each separate contest winner they plan to submit to the District level. Basically you need one kit per winner intended to be submitted to the District level because each kit has only one of the required official winner stickers to go on the back of the contest winner. All other documents in the kit are intended to be copied and distributed as needed to facilitate your contest, just not the official winner sticker. Alternatively, a club can still have your own locally selected “school winners” and give them their own recognition within a single overall club level contest that still just selects one overall winner to send to the district level.
District Peace Poster Contest Chairperson TiAnne Rios has prepared a reference document you can download and print, and she is available to help answer further questions. Club Information Doc>>
You should also review the International Contest Website Page>>
The Peace Poster kits are only $11.95 each. But as some of you know, the shipping cost when ordering from Lions International is high! Clubs may want to consider group orders to save shipping costs.
Peace Poster Contest Kits Each kit contains:
2023-2024 District 36-R LCIF Fundraising Goal, "A Dime A Day"
The Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) was founded in 1968, and a first grant of $5,000 was awarded in 1972 for flooding disaster relief in South Dakota. Through worldwide Lion members support over the following 50 years, the LCIF has significantly grown in global impact with the ability to provide many types of grants; from help for Lions serving community needs, to major disaster relief grants.
The vast majority of grant funding is made possible by yearly donations to LCIF from Lions clubs and individual members worldwide. No portion of Lions regular membership dues goes to LCIF. The Melvin Jones Fellowship program was created as a way to recognize those individual Lions who have contributed $1,000 or more to LCIF (or have had donations made in their name). Gifts from foundations, corporations, governments, non-Lions and interest earned on investments also contribute LCIF funding.
This fiscal year, our District 36-R fundraising goal for LCIF is $18,360. Both direct individual donations and club fundraising events can make this goal easily achievable. *Only a dime a day from all members and we would exceed our goal!* District 36-R LCIF Coordinator Steve Moser will be visiting all clubs to discuss ways to club fundraise, offer guidance help for an event of any kind, and to accept any donations. Steve can be reached for questions at 503-930-8365.
Donations to LCIF can also be made online directly through the International website. Online donations from Lions members will be credited towards the goal total of the District they are registered in. Donate online here>>
LCIF Hunger Grant Application
February 3, 2024 Update: LCIF approved the Hunger Grant after the LCIF Board of Trustees met in January 2024. The Grant is for $100,000 with $75,000 coming from LCIF, $12,500 coming from District 36-R Lions clubs and $12,500 coming from other resources. Any clubs wishing to donate to help meet the $12,500 club match can still do so by making out a check and sending to the Central Lions Club. The food bank currently serves 16 different zip codes in our district. Last year they served over 37,580 people in need. That’s 3,132 people a month!
August 26, 2023 Update: At the District 36-R Q1 Cabinet Meeting, Lion Michael Cairns presented DG Lynn Coon the LCIF Hunger Grant application for his signature. The grant application will now be submitted to LCIF by Central Lions Club.
June 24, 2023 - Members of Central Lions Club are pursuing a $100,000 LCIF Hunger Grant to provide contributing funding towards the proposed new Ella Curran Food Bank located in Independence. Every club in District 36-R has been asked to contribute towards the required percentage District match for this request. The application is anticipated to be submitted in August 2023. The District 36-R Cabinet must certify, and the DG must sign the grant application prior to submission.
If your District 36-R club wishes to donate towards this grant project, or get more information, please contact Central Lions Club.